What You Need To Know About: The Art of Fat Loss
When I first heard about Intermittent Fasting, I remember thinking, "No, no, no, this is not good for anyone who wants to maintain muscle!" But after diving into what happens when you fast on a well-formulated diet, I realized that not only would you maintain muscle, but you would enjoy other benefits as well.
I now work and write early in the morning in a fasted state for about three hours, and my mind has never been clearer. In this state, your ketone levels will likely be higher, which can lead to more mental clarity.
*If you are pregnant or nursing or you have metabolic syndrome, don't fast. Wait until you are no longer breastfeeding or have fixed your insulin issues.
The Art of Fat Loss is a great alternative to extended fasting. It provides many of the same benefits of rapid weight loss while preventing the loss of lean mass (muscle)
The idea behind AFL is to reduce carbs and fat as much as possibly while still hitting or even exceeding your protein goal to help with satiety. This method mimics an extended fast by forcing your body to use stored fat for fuel, therby breaking stalls or accelerating weight loss.
However, unlike an extended fast, AFL offers enough protein for you to feel satiated and enjoy the added benefit of the high thermic effect of protein-rich foods, which means that you effectively lose 25 to 30 percent of the calories you take in. Plus you are eating nutrient-dense animal protein, so you are getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
The AFL method also provides you with enough fat - about 30 grams a day - to keep your hormones happy and to help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Oxidative priority is the order in which the body processes and stores fuels from the diet. Fuels with higher priority must be processed before lower-priority fuels. The body likes to have tight control over the fuels in the bloodstream at any given moment based on the current demand.
If you at rest, there are less than 100 calories of total energy in your bloodstream from glucoser, fat, and ketones. When you eat a meal, an enormous amount of energy floods into your blood, so your body has to prioritize how to store it and which sources to use first to prevent an oversupply of fuel. You can die from having too much glucose, fat, or ketones in your blood.
The way the body prioritizes fuels makes a lot of sense; it does so in reverse order of storage capacity. Thus, things for which it has no storage, like alcohol, have to be burned, whereas things that are easy to store and for which it has large storage space (fat) can be stored and dealt with later.
Here is a chart showing the oxidative priority of fuels:
The number one priority is alcohol because the body cannot store it. So it must burn off all alcohol before it can get to burning other fuels. This means that if you eat a meal while drinking alcohol, most of the food will be stored while your body deals with the booze. This is one reason why alcohol consumption can be determined to fat loss. Therefore, if fat loss is your goal, then avoiding alcohol is best. In fact, we recommend excluding it on AFL days.
AM / Lunch or w/ First Meal
* D3 ( 1-2 capsules/ Tablet )
* K2 ( 1-2 capsules )
* Himalayan salt into Water
* Magnesium glycinate 400-600mg ( 3-4 capsules )
* Melatonin 5-10mg ( 1 tablet )
* 5HTP 50-200mg ( 1 capsule/ tablet )
Note: no meals 6pm onwards